
We have 2 "Architects" projects in Alexandria, Arrochar

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Latest "Architects" job leads in Alexandria, arrochar

Residential Architectural Services

- R...
I am looking for estimates for renovation at 10 Mongomerie Avenue. There are several major tranches of work, starting with the roof and chimneys, as well as a large dormer, insulation and bathroom refit.

The initial phase of work includes removing plasterboard from the upper rooms, the chimneys removed, the roof de-mossed and venting improved: we know this won’t require planning permission. The roof structure needs checked as well: we know that were leaks in the roof at the property. Building and damp inspection revealed issues with woodworm as well.

I will shortly have a specification for insulation that I anticipate will be done with the assistance of grants from Home Energy Scotland. (I’m aware that some of the work we need done will require registration with HES, but not all of it.)

Residential Architectural Services

Dr Z...
customer in glasgow area has requested that we arrange quotes for their residential architectural services project.
dr are considering various options and would like to discuss with a architect directly.
please call to discuss and arrange appointment to quote

are you the property owner: tenant (with permission)
property type: semi detached
how many rooms are currently within the basement: 4 rooms
how many rooms do you want to have in total in the basement: 4 rooms
do you have an architect or planning permision: none
do you require an architect: yes
time scale: immediate
please call to appoint

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