
We have 3 "Renewable Energy" projects in Wooler

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Latest "Renewable energy" job leads in Wooler

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Coldstream, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Mindrum
Mr M...
** Property currently runs on oil ** Call any time. Type of building: Detached Number of bedrooms: 5 Length of garden: 40 m. Width of garden: 30 m. Access available for excavator: Yes Mains Gas available: No Age of Boiler (years): 12 How became interested in heat pump: Reduce Bills Quote requested on ground source heat pump, to be supplied and fitted.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Mr H...
Call back anytime. Type of building: Detached Number of bedrooms: 4 Area of garden: 2.***00004 ha. [ 5 acres] Access available for excavator: Yes Mains Gas available: Yes Age of Boiler (years): 0 How became interested in heat pump: Save Money Quote requested on ground source heat pump, to be supplied and fitted.

Biomass Boilers

Mr C...
Call anytime. Type of building: Semi-detached Number of bedrooms: 4 Access available for delivery of fuel: Yes Mains Gas available: Yes How became interested in biomass system: Save Money Quote requested on domestic biomass heating system, to be supplied and fitted.

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